
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pinterest Project #7 - Mmmm Lasagna!

I was pretty lazy today - no work on a mosaic or bleaching a t-shirt. In fact I can honestly say that I didn't even get out of my pjs until near noon! I spent most of the morning responding to emails from a couple different art teachers who had questions on some things they saw on my art ed blog and website (yes - even though it's summer - many of us can't completely shut down the lesson planning). I love sharing ideas with teachers from all around the world. When I started teaching 17 years ago - I had no idea this kind of collaboration would be possible! I couldn't of imagined it. My Art Ed blog - Splats, Scraps, and Glue Blobs and My Art With Mrs. G! Website 

But even though no artsy Pinterest projects were on the agenda for the day - Pinterest did play a role in the day - or at least the evening. Dinner!

Low Carb - Gluten-Free Lasagna 
Here's a picture of the finished product. Though it was lower carb and GF it was not low on taste! Very Yummy!

Visit my Low Carb & Yummy board for the original pin and recipe -->

Here's what it looked like right out of the oven....mmmmm smell that?

Here's my helping next to a healthy salad - Thanks to Heidi for the lettuce from her garden!

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